Tag Archives: Tag

Revit 2017 Calculated Values in Tags

Steve has posted about the capability to add calculated values in tags.  While I have disparaging feelings about this feature and using for things like Occupant loads (since there is a possibility to have them not match the calculated value in the schedule).  I did find a use that I can get behind.  When tagging a value that is a length or number we can set the units to be 0 decimal places or round to the nearest inch, when doing this with a label using “Edit Parameter’s Units Format” button it will use true rounding so a 0.4 value would come in at 0.0.

2017 Tag Units

I had a client asking about when their analytical software imports the load values they are often set to 3 decimal places, however on plan they always want to show these values rounded to the higher value. In 2017 we now can add formulas to tags to accomplish this task, “roundup(Value)” where Value is a parameter associated to the family and roundup (or rounddown) is the formula.

2017 Tag Formula

Revit 2017 Floor Tags

In a previous release of Revit (2015 it believe) we gained the capability to add the elevation of a floor.  Not only the elevation but the elevation of the bottom or top, if the floor was structural then we also had Bottom Core or Top Core.  This worked great except the fact the it was always using the internal elevation for the value it was representing.  We couldn’t use the survey point (shared coordinates) thus most people still used spot elevations for reporting elevations.  In 2017 they snuck in the survey point option when creating a tag.

2017 Tag Floor

This feature was also added for Structural Foundations, it would be nice to see all categories with an elevation option to have this added, including ducts, structural framing, structural beam systems etc..

Revit 2017 Tags

One of the minor new features for Revit 2017 was the nuance of how pinning a tag works.  In previous releases if a tag had been pinned  it kept an individual from moving the tag but it moved along with the element it tagged.  In 2017 when a tag is pinned it still keeps an individual from moving it, however it will stay in it’s given location as the element being tagged moves.  Note: The leader only moves with the tagged component if the Leader is set to Attached End and not Free End.2017 Pinned Tag Orginal Location


2017 Pinned Tag Not Pinned


2017 Pinned Tag Pinned


This is a very welcomed new feature, I have been an advocate of detailing using tags in lieu of text but was always frustrated that if a detail item changed the tagged would move and have to be realigned.  No more wasting time with this menial task

Revision tags rotate with component

The other day while in training I found a subtle nuance to revision tags. If rotate with component is checked then the tag rotates with the curve of each bubble.  I know this option only works with draw type elements such as walls, beams, footings etc. (See Steve’s posts older, newer). I thought this was new to 2015 but found out it goes back a few releases. I am not sure why a firm would want the tags to be printed at varying angles but this option is available.


Structural Framing Tags: Level vs. Sloped

When using the beam annotation (Annotate tab, shown below) tool to quickly tag many structural framing elements, there are a couple quick tips that are good to remember.

First, note that there are two tabs: one for level beams and one for sloped beams, see the image below.  In all honesty, I cannot think of too many situations where one would want completely different tags on level versus sloped beams, but the option is there.  So, if this tool is used and tags don’t show up, check that the correct tab was utilized.  Also note that if a tag is assigned to a level beam and then later that beam is sloped (or vice versa), the tag will remain the same.

The other items to note are under the “Placement” options in the dialog shown above.  There are several options available, so make sure to select the appropriate one, otherwise tags can be overwritten, missed, etc.