Category Archives: Revit

Revit Posts

Adaptive Component – Everyday Uses part 3

Continued from..

Adaptive Component – Everyday Uses part 2
Adaptive Component – Everyday Uses part 1

Creating Forms

Unlike the normal family editor, in adaptive and mass families, surfaces and solids can be created.  These are created using the Create Form button and not extrusions, sweeps, etc..  Unfortunately points cannot be used to create elements, reference lines and/or model lines must be used for this task.  Lines can be used if they are part of the rig, however, if additional lines are required, then they need to be created prior to creating solids or surfaces.  In the adaptive (as well as mass) family environment, surfaces can be created from a single line or from multiple lines.

Surfaces and Extrusions

To create a solid or surface, select the desired lines and select the Create Form button.  Voids can be created in the same manner.  If Revit can determine more than one way to create a solid, or if it can create a surface, different images will appear on the screen allowing a user to select the appropriate one.



A sweep is created by drawing lines for the shape of the sweep, then by selecting those and the lines that represent the path.  Once all of the elements are selected, use the create form button to create the sweep.



A Revolve is created by selecting a group of lines or arcs that are all parallel to a single line.  This one line acts as an axis.


Once surfaces or solids have been created, their faces and edges can be used to generate additional forms.  For example, the edges of a cube can then be used for the path of a sweep, or the edge of a surface can be used to generate an additional surface.

Up next…

Adaptive Component – Everyday Uses part 4


Adaptive Component – Everyday Uses part 2

continued from Adaptive Component – Everyday Uses part 1

Creating the Family Rig

Adaptive families consist of elements, most of which are different than the normal family environment.  These elements will include: reference points, adaptive points, shape handle points, reference lines, surfaces and solids, all of which will be discussed in further sections.


Adaptive families use adaptive points, however there isn’t an adaptive point drawing tool.  In order to create adaptive points, reference points must be placed and then made adaptive.

To create an adaptive point simply place a reference point, select the recently placed point(s) on screen and choose the Make Adaptive button on the contextual ribbon.  Alternatively, a point can be selected and this value can be changed in the properties dialog.










Once points are made adaptive, the local x, y, and z planes of each point will become visible.  These planes are then all available to be used as references.  The adaptive point numbers will also be displayed in the order in which they were created.  If the numbers need to change, select the number above the point and change the value.

Reference points are a different type of point.  Reference points are usually hosted on another object – a reference line, adaptive point, or another reference point.  Reference points also have work planes that can be used to assist in the modeling process, although they are not displayed by default.  If it is the desire to display the work planes, this can be adjusted in the properties on a point by point basis.  Points will also vary in size on the screen based on whether or not the point is hosted.

Driving points are points that control the nodes of a spline or arc.  They can be recognized by their value of Drives Curve(s) in the properties.

Lines, Splines, Arcs and Circles

In the massing and adaptive family environment there are 2 types of lines that can be created, reference lines and model lines.  Both of these elements are created the in the same manner and work in similar ways, however there are a few subtle differences between them.  Model lines do not have any work planes associated to them, however they can host points.  Model lines get absorbed into the surface or solid they were used to create.  Reference lines have four work planes, one on each end, and one in the X and Y direction.  Any curved reference line (i.e. splines, circles and arcs) only have work planes associated with the end points.  Unlike model lines, reference lines remain when used to create solids or surfaces.  These line types can easily be changed from reference to model by simply checking the “Is Reference Line” in the properties dialog.

Splines and Lines by Points

When creating lines and splines, there is an option to create both of them directly by clicking on the screen, however both of these can also be created by selecting previously created points.

  • For splines this can be accomplished two ways, either select the spline by points tool and click on the screen for the spline vertices, or select already drawn points and then click the spline by points tool. If the spline is created by selecting points, it will always create a model line; if a reference line is the goal, change the value in the properties of the line.
  • SplineThroughPoints
  • The capability to draw an arc through points is a relatively new feature. This tool only allows for the arc to be drawn on screen from previously created points. In order for this tool to work properly, the 3D snapping check box must be enabled prior to picking the points that are going to create the arc.
  • ArcThroughPoints

Hosted Points

By default, when reference points are placed they are hosted on an element, which can be a level, plane, line, or surface.  Properties will vary depending on which element is the host.

  • Points hosted on a line will have “Measurement Type” as a property.
  • HostedPoint_Line
  • Points hosted on a surface will have “Hosted U & V Parameter” as a property
  • HostedPoint_Surface
  • Points hosted on a reference plane, reference level or another point will have “Offset” as a property
  • HostedPoint_ReferencePlane

Knowing these values and how to take advantage of them will become critical when working with adaptive families.  All of the above properties can have associated parameters to help further the development of the family.  Points hosted on lines have the value of “Measurement Type” which also has additional options that need to be considered, and these options will vary depending on if the point is hosted on a straight or curved line.

  • Non-Normalized Curve Parameter = Radians when on an arc or circle (not useful when using straight lines)
  • Normalized Curve Parameter = ratio of the arc length of the arc or line from 0.0 to 1.0
  • Segment Length = Length of the point from either the beginning or end
  • Normalized Segment Length = Ratio of the length of the line from 0.0 to 1.0 (same as normalized  curve parameter for lines and arcs different for splines)
  • Chord Length = Direct distance from the begging of the line, arc, or spline to the point
  • Angle = Angle from the beginning of the arc or circle to the point (arcs and circles only)



Adaptive Component – Everyday Uses part 1

This past year was a good one and I had the privilege to speak at several conferences and one of the most popular topics was adaptive components (my sessions were titled Everyday Uses of Adaptive Components). I thought I should share some of the process and families that I had presented.  This is going to be a series of posts discussing the process of adaptive components, their advantages and pitfalls as well as a tutorial on how to create a few.

Family Template Types

When starting an adaptive family, the first step is to understand what templates are available and decide which template is the most appropriate for the task at hand.  There are three templates that provide a starting place for an adaptive family: Curtain Panel Pattern Based.rft, Generic Model Adaptive.rft, and Generic Model Pattern Based.rft.  Even though the curtain panel pattern based family sounds like it can only be used on a divided surface of a mass, etc, it can actually be used similarly to a normal adaptive family.  Additionally, starting from the Curtain Panel Pattern Based template, and then changing the category to generic model would produce the same result as starting with the generic model pattern based family.

Generic Model Pattern Based / Curtain Panel Pattern Based

When starting with one of the pattern passed templates, there is a grid system (tile pattern), along with 4 points on that system, and reference lines connecting those points.  Unlike many family templates, these points, grids and lines are not static and can be adjusted.  To change the tile pattern and the amount of adaptive points, select the grid system (must be done by selecting the outside of the grid), and in the type selector, change the grid tile pattern type.  Depending on which tile pattern is chosen, the quantity of adaptive points may adjust along with the grid system.


Note: To flex the family select the grid system and change the spacing in the instance properties


This type of template is ideal for creating a shape or panel that needs a specific quantity of points.  The downside to using this template type is that additional adaptive points can’t be added, the adaptive points can’t be re-ordered, and there can never be shape handle points in the family.

Generic Model Adaptive

This template is the most flexible type, but it also starts from basically a blank slate – only a couple of reference planes.  This means everything has to be created from scratch, starting with adding adaptive points and reference lines. This template type does allow for an infinite amount of adaptive points, as well as the flexibility to re-order the adaptive points at will and to add shape handle points.  This template type will allow for levels to be generated, but the levels DO NOT transfer to the project or massing environment; basically they simply act as horizontal reference planes.


Note:  The Generic Model Adaptive looks extremely similar to the massing template, however adaptive points can’t be created in the massing environment.


Up next Adaptive Component – Everyday Uses Part 2

Wall Display Quirk

Steve Stafford posted about this quirk back in 2012 but I have had the question come up several times in the past month so I thought it would be worth bringing this topic up again.

When building a wall with multiple layers built up it is possibly to unlock layers of the wall such that they can be raised or lowered independently of the rest of the wall (the property exposed is “Base Extension Distance” or “Top Extension Distance”).  This feature is invaluable when the need to have a wall finish go above or below the base of the wall, or if the need arises to have the wall modeled up to the structure yet have the gypsum stop short.  However when a layer has been unlocked and that wall is a partial height wall** then Revit will ignore the coarse level of detail and display the unlocked layers of that wall type.


**per the Revit help a partial height wall is defined as

  • Walls shorter than 6 feet (or 2 meters) are not cut, even if they intersect the cut plane.

    The 6 feet (or 2 meters) are measured from the top of the bounding box to the bottom of the primary view range. For example, if you create a wall whose top is 6 feet above the bottom clip plane, the wall is cut at the cut plane. When the top of the wall is less than 6 feet, the entire wall shows as projection even where it intersects the cut plane. This behavior always occurs when the Top Constraint property for the wall is specified as Unconnected.

However if you read into the help file it is only when the wall is Unconnected, so if the wall goes to a level set at the given height or in the image below to a level above with a negative Top Offset then the wall will display as if it were being cut. This can be seen by the different thickness of the lines below as well as the expected display of not seeing the additional layer of the wall.




Revit 2015 R2 Structural Framing Quirk

With the release of Revit 2015 R2 one of the big features for structural engineers was the capability to flip framing members.  A simple right click on the member and the option to “Flip Structural Framing Ends” appears.  This was a welcome addition and a nice feature to have, but be careful, there are some quirks involved with this feature.  This feature is in reality rotating the beam 180degrees while keeping some of it’s properties relative to the end and others not.


Here are some of the quirks I have found to be associated with this new feature.

  • If one end of the beam is utilizing the “Attachment” value it will either be flipped or removed
  • Face based objects hosted to the beam will rotate with the beam and end up on the other side of the beam
  • Adaptive components hosted to the beam will either be rotated or simply disappear
  • When flipping sloped beams they can become detached from their work plane (not like this warning is rare)
  • Cross section rotation will become a negative value keeping it’s relation to vertical (nice catch programmers)

In the images below the plate that host the clevis and rod is the OOTB gusset plate family which is a faced based element, the red connection plate at the top is an adaptive component family.


As you can see in the image below the beam rotates when flipped thus creating havoc on elements that are hosted to it.


Conclusion to this feature is to be careful when flipping beams and verify elements aren’t hosted to them.