Category Archives: Architecture

Revit Architecture topics

Color Underlay Elements showing White

David Light posted about problems with Room Color Schemes and certain elements not letting the color show through like stairs for furniture.  I added a comment to his post then thought I might follow up with this post.  The issue is when you add a color scheme to a plan view certain elements wont show through.

Switching the view to Wireframe is always an option but then the colors go to the center of the walls and this isn’t the result I am looking for. I will into the Visibility Graphics setting and check the Ghosted otion for all offendening categories.  This will allow the color scheme to come through the element categories that are causing the issue.  Plus then I can have this set up in a view template and apply it when needed.



Roof Overhang Values

A question came up on Revit Radio yesterday that I thought would make a good post.  The question was about roof overhangs and how to control if the distance is measured from the face of the wall or the wall studs (wall core in the Revit world).  The first thing to clarify is that everything I am showing is ONLY true if you use the Pick Wall button instead of just drawing lines while inside of sketch mode.  I use pick walls because if the wall moves then the edge of the roof will move with it and maintain the overhang value.

So how does Revit determine where to set the overhang value if you use Pick Walls?  In the Options bar next to the overhang value there is a check box for “Extend to wall core”, when this is selected the overhange value is taken from the face of the core, if this remains unchecked then the overhang is determined from the finish face of the wall.Then the question came up what if I want it to have a birds mouth notch?  There is a setting for this too.  In the properties of the roof there is an option for Rafter or Truss, if the value is Truss (default option and shown above) then the roof starts on the exterior face, if the option is Rafter the roof is set to the inside face.

These explanations seemed to answer the question, let me know if it didn’t clarify things for you.

Revit Floors Room Bounding

On Monday Steve Stafford posetd about how finish floors can do bad things when passing a model off to the MEP consultants.   I have also seen this cause issues when the architects go to tag their rooms and and the tag won’t display the room information.  The same situation is true as Steve had posted, all finish floors should be non “Room Bouding” in the Revit model.

As a good practice I will have architects set the “Function” to all finish floors to be Interior.

Now that this is set I will create a “Filter” so that it’s “Funtion – does not equal – Interior”.  Then I apply this filter to a 3D view where I turn off the visibility of the filter and only have floors displayed.  Now I can just select all the floors in the view and turn off  the Room Bounding check mark.