Monthly Archives: January 2012

Bold Text

This question came up in my office yesterday so I thought I would share the answer.  If you want bold text, there are two ways to get it.  Of course you can always choose a bold font, such as Arial Bold, but here are the other two options:  The first option is to make a text type that has “bold” checked in the type properties.


Alternately, once a particular portion of (or all) text within a text box is highlighted, the bold button appears on the Contextual Tab.

One should note, however, that the bold button will remain grayed out until text is highlighted.  So simply selecting a text box will not make this option available.

The first method should be utilized if all text in a particular text box is to be bold, and the second method should be used for large note blocks where only a portion of the text needs to be bolded.

Move with disjoin

I found another nice little feature (some might call a bug) about using the Move command while having the disjoin checkbox on.  The point of this option is to allow a user to move an element, say wall or beam, that is joined on either end and break that connection during the move process.

What might not be totally apparent is this will also disjoin it from everthing, if you had dimensioned to that wall the dimensions are gone etc.  If you move a level everything associated with the levels gets deleted (views, walls, columns etc.).  What I discovered recently is that if I move an element and another model has that element being monitored, then that file sees the element as being deleted.   When the coordination review is ran in another model it will see it not as moved but as being deleted. It even disjoins any monitoring.  The moral of the post, if you are using move make sure you have a dang good reason to have disjoin checked.

Color Underlay Elements showing White

David Light posted about problems with Room Color Schemes and certain elements not letting the color show through like stairs for furniture.  I added a comment to his post then thought I might follow up with this post.  The issue is when you add a color scheme to a plan view certain elements wont show through.

Switching the view to Wireframe is always an option but then the colors go to the center of the walls and this isn’t the result I am looking for. I will into the Visibility Graphics setting and check the Ghosted otion for all offendening categories.  This will allow the color scheme to come through the element categories that are causing the issue.  Plus then I can have this set up in a view template and apply it when needed.